Patriarch Jarrod of Pelor, amateur medicinal herbalist from the town of Sobanwych, has been dabbling in the relationship between the regenerative properties of the monstrous troll and those of his usual botanical subjects. His latest experiment is what he calls The Regenerative Elixir. It is fortunate that he has an adventurous flock, willing to partake in his bold experiments. The latest subject has been the priest Neirdre. Besides Neirdre's very slight green pallor, the apparently permanent effects of imbibing the Elixir are as follow:
- Three rounds after the subject has taken hit point damage from a source besides fire or acid the Elixir will begin to regenerate hit points at the rate of one per round. The regenerative effect will continue until the subject's maximum hit point total has been reached or the subject is cured or healed through some magical means. If the subject's wounds are stanched naturally, yet full hit points are not restored, hit points will continue to regenerate at the same rate.
- All severed limbs will grow back unless they are subjected to fire or acid damage. Magical healing will also negate this effect. The time it takes for full growth of the severed limb is proportion dependent, usually anywhere between 6 hours to 72 hours.
- The Elixir will bring the subject back from beyond death's door. A resurrection survival roll is required and, if successful, the subject is still required to remove one point from his constitution score permanently. If the subject's death has been caused by fire or acid damage, the effects of the Elixir will have been considered fully expunged - even if the subject is brought back to life by other means.
- When hit points cease regenerating for whatever reason (e.g.: fire/acid damage, full hit points restored, magical healing), regenerated hit points are tallied and equal a percentage chance for the individual to begin transforming into a troll. Just a troll. No vestige of the former character remains other than the clothes he or she may be wearing. There may be some resemblance physically to the former character, but none whatsoever mentally. The d100 roll is made immediately after regeneration ceases. The transformation will take place in 1d6 hours (DM's secret roll) and is irreversible.
- All severed limbs will grow back unless they are subjected to fire or acid damage. Magical healing will also negate this effect. The time it takes for full growth of the severed limb is proportion dependent, usually anywhere between 6 hours to 72 hours.
- The Elixir will bring the subject back from beyond death's door. A resurrection survival roll is required and, if successful, the subject is still required to remove one point from his constitution score permanently. If the subject's death has been caused by fire or acid damage, the effects of the Elixir will have been considered fully expunged - even if the subject is brought back to life by other means.
- When hit points cease regenerating for whatever reason (e.g.: fire/acid damage, full hit points restored, magical healing), regenerated hit points are tallied and equal a percentage chance for the individual to begin transforming into a troll. Just a troll. No vestige of the former character remains other than the clothes he or she may be wearing. There may be some resemblance physically to the former character, but none whatsoever mentally. The d100 roll is made immediately after regeneration ceases. The transformation will take place in 1d6 hours (DM's secret roll) and is irreversible.