April 5th, 2015 & April 19th, 2015 - 2nd day of Brewfest to the 11th of Patchwall (Autumn Fest into Autumn) 580 CY
The group rests and trains for a week at the moat house. Rivermist flies to Nulb as a falcon and spots a small army of orcs and other humanoids coalescing near the Temple. Using the mirror, Melath "exchanges" some magic for items the party deems more useful.
They decide to head west to the Lortmils and attempt to find a wind of high velocity, cold water, and to supplicate to the dwarves of Rockhome to create a granite maul. These elements being three of the key ingredients required in the destruction of the Golden Orb.
The route to Rockhome is marked by encounters with demons and devils. The Devils are disguised as an errant knight and his followers. The ruse, however, does not last for long and the fiends are disposed of by the party. It should be noted that a group of elves from the Faerie Kingdom of Celene joined the party, claiming they were summoned by one of Rivermist's sparrow friends. A familiar face is among them, Elladan of Fax. They are led by a Grey Elf named Alduin.
The adventurers, after about two days of travel, reach Rockhome. They are greeted by a cautious group of dwarves. The group's leader, Balgair Zincbeard, finally agrees to grant the party audience with the King of Rockhome, Jorn.
Jorn is at first skeptical of the party's proposition. He then begins to realize that this could put his kingship on the historical map. He agrees to forge the granite maul and knows just the location to destroy the Orb.
The maul is prepared and King Jorn, along with his high priests of Moradin, accompany the moat house men to the proscribed location. A pedestal is erected and the orb is placed upon it. The priests of Moradin begin to intone a dwarven hymn. Melath and Nierdre cast spells to aid in the destruction. Rivermist calls upon the Old Faith to escalate the wind speed. Jorn strikes with the maul, Melath casts his fireball spell, and King Jorn swats the orb into the freezing lake below. The entire group - Men, Dwarves, Elves - brace themselves for whatever it was their imaginations had conjured up. The mountain is quiet.
The Sylvan priestess, however, looking over the expanse of the great plateau of the Kron Hills, flanked to the north by the waters of the Velverdyva and the south by the majestic plains of the Elven Kingdom, sees in the distance where the evil Temple might lie at the edge of the Gnarley Forest - immense destruction! As if a meteor had fallen from the skies and created a great impact in the ground below. Moments later the entire group feels the ground shake perceptibly beneath their feet.
The Moat House Men are awarded honorary knighthood in the Kingdom of Rockhome. Each are given a platinum signet ring set with six tiny rubies and embedded with the crest of the Dwarven Kingdom of Rockhome. All of this occurs with great ceremony and celebration.
The group rests and trains for a week at the moat house. Rivermist flies to Nulb as a falcon and spots a small army of orcs and other humanoids coalescing near the Temple. Using the mirror, Melath "exchanges" some magic for items the party deems more useful.
They decide to head west to the Lortmils and attempt to find a wind of high velocity, cold water, and to supplicate to the dwarves of Rockhome to create a granite maul. These elements being three of the key ingredients required in the destruction of the Golden Orb.
The adventurers, after about two days of travel, reach Rockhome. They are greeted by a cautious group of dwarves. The group's leader, Balgair Zincbeard, finally agrees to grant the party audience with the King of Rockhome, Jorn.
Jorn is at first skeptical of the party's proposition. He then begins to realize that this could put his kingship on the historical map. He agrees to forge the granite maul and knows just the location to destroy the Orb.
The maul is prepared and King Jorn, along with his high priests of Moradin, accompany the moat house men to the proscribed location. A pedestal is erected and the orb is placed upon it. The priests of Moradin begin to intone a dwarven hymn. Melath and Nierdre cast spells to aid in the destruction. Rivermist calls upon the Old Faith to escalate the wind speed. Jorn strikes with the maul, Melath casts his fireball spell, and King Jorn swats the orb into the freezing lake below. The entire group - Men, Dwarves, Elves - brace themselves for whatever it was their imaginations had conjured up. The mountain is quiet.
The Sylvan priestess, however, looking over the expanse of the great plateau of the Kron Hills, flanked to the north by the waters of the Velverdyva and the south by the majestic plains of the Elven Kingdom, sees in the distance where the evil Temple might lie at the edge of the Gnarley Forest - immense destruction! As if a meteor had fallen from the skies and created a great impact in the ground below. Moments later the entire group feels the ground shake perceptibly beneath their feet.
The Moat House Men are awarded honorary knighthood in the Kingdom of Rockhome. Each are given a platinum signet ring set with six tiny rubies and embedded with the crest of the Dwarven Kingdom of Rockhome. All of this occurs with great ceremony and celebration.