June 28th, 2015 - 27th Ready'reat to the 1st of Sunsebb (Autumn into Winter) 580 CY
The always handy Stoneshape spell is used to carve access through the wall and around the turnstile. Further ahead, the Modest Men round a corner in the hallway and come upon a door, hot to the touch. After the dwarf bursts through the swollen portal a great cavern opens up before them. Geysers spew forth hot, boiling mud from the bottom of the cavern fifty feet below, reaching nearly to the ceiling. Nine enormous fifty foot chains attach to the ceiling and affix to disks suspended over the boiling floor. Directly across from the party is another door ensconced upon a ledge, to which the disks form a perilous pathway.
The party concocts a plan to levitate across the roiling chasm. Despite forgetting to don rings of fire resistance or cast fire protection spells, allowing minor damage; the companions circumvent the disks and arrive at the other ledge. Burly Cymry blows through the next door and the party is confronted by a short and narrow hallway ending at another door - this one slightly different. Melath notices very small holes perforating the surface of the door. The party's imagination goes wild. Could it be a dart trap? Maybe some sort of deadly gas could spew forth?
The party's suspicions are somewhat confirmed after casting a spell of evil detection upon the area. As is customary, Cymry is recruited (and subsequently volunteers) to open the door. However, on this occasion the rest of the party retreats to the safety of the ledge, watching, while Cymry faces whatever lies on the other side. Upon opening the door, the characters are confronted by magical darkness. Nothing can be seen. Melath casts a light spell, dissipating the darkness. Now able to see, the hapless dwarf is confronted by the face of evil - the face of a vampire gazing directly upon him. The fanged monster utters something and the dwarf turns back toward the party, brandishing his ax and advancing with a menacing expression on his face. The vampire crawls with otherworldly agility over the walls and ceiling, approaching the party from behind the dwarf.
Rivermist calls forth a wall of elemental fire to force the vampire into retreat. The licking flames compel the fiend to trans-morph into gaseous form and seek the safety of his coffin. The Pelorian, not taking the moment for granted, shoots forth magical lightning, splintering the coffin into many pieces and ending the undeath of the creature now hiding within. The companions search the debris and find a hidden cache of loot - and Whelm, an intelligent dwarven hammer.
The party make their way back to a valve which they also manage to open, draining the water from the dungeon. The Knights proceed to a room obviously designed to ensure immersion, now partially drained. The druid, using her elemental powers, begins to lower the water. They defeat a pair of kelpies subsisting here and avoid the wrath of a once-again-charmed Cymry. Further on, the company make their way into a sort of fun-house spinning tunnel. The tunnel, the characters notice, is covered in flammable oil. After lighting the oil afire and allowing it to subside, Melath presses on and detects a murder hole at the far end. He peers through and sees nothing. Upon turning away to search the area, a flaming arrow launches from the hole, missing the half-Drow by a foot.
The always handy Stoneshape spell is used to carve access through the wall and around the turnstile. Further ahead, the Modest Men round a corner in the hallway and come upon a door, hot to the touch. After the dwarf bursts through the swollen portal a great cavern opens up before them. Geysers spew forth hot, boiling mud from the bottom of the cavern fifty feet below, reaching nearly to the ceiling. Nine enormous fifty foot chains attach to the ceiling and affix to disks suspended over the boiling floor. Directly across from the party is another door ensconced upon a ledge, to which the disks form a perilous pathway.
The party concocts a plan to levitate across the roiling chasm. Despite forgetting to don rings of fire resistance or cast fire protection spells, allowing minor damage; the companions circumvent the disks and arrive at the other ledge. Burly Cymry blows through the next door and the party is confronted by a short and narrow hallway ending at another door - this one slightly different. Melath notices very small holes perforating the surface of the door. The party's imagination goes wild. Could it be a dart trap? Maybe some sort of deadly gas could spew forth?
The party's suspicions are somewhat confirmed after casting a spell of evil detection upon the area. As is customary, Cymry is recruited (and subsequently volunteers) to open the door. However, on this occasion the rest of the party retreats to the safety of the ledge, watching, while Cymry faces whatever lies on the other side. Upon opening the door, the characters are confronted by magical darkness. Nothing can be seen. Melath casts a light spell, dissipating the darkness. Now able to see, the hapless dwarf is confronted by the face of evil - the face of a vampire gazing directly upon him. The fanged monster utters something and the dwarf turns back toward the party, brandishing his ax and advancing with a menacing expression on his face. The vampire crawls with otherworldly agility over the walls and ceiling, approaching the party from behind the dwarf.
The party make their way back to a valve which they also manage to open, draining the water from the dungeon. The Knights proceed to a room obviously designed to ensure immersion, now partially drained. The druid, using her elemental powers, begins to lower the water. They defeat a pair of kelpies subsisting here and avoid the wrath of a once-again-charmed Cymry. Further on, the company make their way into a sort of fun-house spinning tunnel. The tunnel, the characters notice, is covered in flammable oil. After lighting the oil afire and allowing it to subside, Melath presses on and detects a murder hole at the far end. He peers through and sees nothing. Upon turning away to search the area, a flaming arrow launches from the hole, missing the half-Drow by a foot.
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