
Session 48

August 2nd, 2015 - 7th of Sunsebb to the 1st of Coldeven (Winter into Spring) 581 CY
   High Priest Fenton of Heironeous dutifully raises the souls of Melath and Neirdre into the cold, winter light of Admundfort. It seems the party's most prized possession, the Rod of Resurrection, again proves itself invaluable. The rest of the party perform minor tasks and business resumes as usual.
   Elladan meets with the Admiral's Lieutenant Garrit and Fenton to determine the nobility of the Modest Men's quest. Fenton, using decidedly non divine means, finds that the quest to White Plume Mountain for the weapons was a worthwhile endeavor.
   The party gains two new members while carousing in The Old Lighthouse Tavern. Argost, a veteran recently mustered out of the Shieldlander military and Kaelinon, a dwarf from the West with a mysterious past. Cymry proceeds to get very drunk. Elladan dances and does a few back flips. Melath, yes even Melath, seems to enjoy the high spirits. Rivermist amorously scans the place for a love connection. Neirdre tests the provender. Argost is good-natured and joins in the merry making. Kaelinon, despite seeming a bit preoccupied, joins boisterously in the fun.
   The next morning the party sets off for the Free City. They board a Ferrondese ship, offering strong arms and skill to book passage. Winter on the Nyr Dyv proves uneventful.
   The Knight's first destination is the Green Dragon Inn. Neirdre and Rivermist hunt down various desired spells. Elladan finds a mercenary from their destination, Loftwick in the Yeomanry. He tells them that the innkeeper of an establishment known as the Hazy Gazer will help them. Argost tests his gambling hand with some success and generously hands a good deal of his winnings to the priests of Pelor. Melath sadly relates the death of Scritch to his acquaintances at the Rat King.
   Most significantly, the group fulfills their contract with the Oligarchs of Greyhawk. They are given five Hippogriffs and trained for three months in their use and care. During this time, they are visited by three men, Nerof Gasgal the Lord Mayor of the Free City of Greyhawk, Turin Deathstalker Guildmaster of Assassins, and Ren O' the Star the Guildmaster of the Merchants and Traders Union. Notably, Turin stays to give a few extra flying tips to the companions. His presence is cold, stern, but not discomfiting.
   As Spring begins, so the companion's training wanes. The constables of Greyhawk are satisfied in the acumen of the Modest Men. The party begin to discuss how they will travel to Loftwick and continue to discuss for quite some time. After much prodding of Dwarves, the companions decide to fly upon their Hippogriffs.
   The Moat House Men stop off at their namesake home base to outfit some of the new members of their group and check in with Solomon. He is disheartened to learn that he must build an aerie for the party's new pets. They compensate him generously for his time. Nearly all of the remainder of their voyage is uneventful - beyond the grumblings of the brave Cymry. As the party approaches their destination, they see gargoyles approaching.


Sessions 46 & 47

July 5th and July 12th, 2015 - 1st to the 7th of Sunsebb (Winter) 580 CY

   Melath The Dark, invisibly cloaked, peers through the arrow slot and sees nothing. The rest of the party approach through the spinning tunnel and proceed to the next room. After Cymry pushes the door open they are confronted by the culprit who shot the arrow - and his magical lycanthrope lover. The Knights quickly send them to their deaths.
   Further on, the party solves a sphinx's puzzle allowing them to pass into the western portion of the dungeon. They best a frictionless corridor and a corridor of heat induction.
They come across a mysterious floating stream and, having scouted it's route, determine that an ambush awaits them. The Modest Men come up with a plan to ambush the ambushers using water walk spells and stealth. The leader of the crew turns out to be none other than Sir Bluto Sans Pite - a well known criminal from the Free City. The party puts another several notches in their belts.
   Moving onward the heroes come across a room shaped as an inverted step pyramid. Some of the steps hold water and deadly giant crayfish and sea lions, while other (dry) steps are occupied by scorpions and other deadly creatures. At the bottom of the inverted pyramid are three manticores, flinging deadly spikes at the party. The companions use their levitating spells to circumvent the upper levels and lower themselves into the pit of spikey death. The manticores, however, are swiftly dispatched. The party finds a door through which they pass.
   The group emerges in a room in which an ogre mage disguised as a halfling resides. He surprises the group with a cone of cold, which sends Melath and Neirdre's souls packing. The rest of the party, with great labor, kill the creature. The last of the weapons, Blackrazor, is found among the dead creature's finery. The party exits the dungeon, limping to Kinnick with their dead comrades.
  After retrieving their mounts, the remaining Modest Men make their way back to Admundfort and find generous priests of Heironeous willing to help bring their comrades back from the afterlife.


Session 45

June 28th, 2015 - 27th Ready'reat to the 1st of Sunsebb (Autumn into Winter) 580 CY

   The always handy Stoneshape spell is used to carve access through the wall and around the turnstile. Further ahead, the Modest Men round a corner in the hallway and come upon a door, hot to the touch. After the dwarf bursts through the swollen portal a great cavern opens up before them. Geysers spew forth hot, boiling mud from the bottom of the cavern fifty feet below, reaching nearly to the ceiling. Nine enormous fifty foot chains attach to the ceiling and affix to disks suspended over the boiling floor. Directly across from the party is another door ensconced upon a ledge, to which the disks form a perilous pathway.
   The party concocts a plan to levitate across the roiling chasm. Despite forgetting to don rings of fire resistance or cast fire protection spells, allowing minor damage; the companions circumvent the disks and arrive at the other ledge. Burly Cymry blows through the next door and the party is confronted by a short and narrow hallway ending at another door - this one slightly different. Melath notices very small holes perforating the surface of the door. The party's imagination goes wild. Could it be a dart trap? Maybe some sort of deadly gas could spew forth?
  The party's suspicions are somewhat confirmed after casting a spell of evil detection upon the area. As is customary, Cymry is recruited (and subsequently volunteers) to open the door. However, on this occasion the rest of the party retreats to the safety of the ledge, watching, while Cymry faces whatever lies on the other side. Upon opening the door, the characters are confronted by magical darkness. Nothing can be seen. Melath casts a light spell, dissipating the darkness. Now able to see, the hapless dwarf is confronted by the face of evil - the face of a vampire gazing directly upon him. The fanged monster utters something and the dwarf turns back toward the party, brandishing his ax and advancing with a menacing expression on his face. The vampire crawls with otherworldly agility over the walls and ceiling, approaching the party from behind the dwarf.
   Rivermist calls forth a wall of elemental fire to force the vampire into retreat. The licking flames compel the fiend to trans-morph into gaseous form and seek the safety of his coffin. The Pelorian, not taking the moment for granted, shoots forth magical lightning, splintering the coffin into many pieces and ending the undeath of the creature now hiding within. The companions search the debris and find a hidden cache of loot - and Whelm, an intelligent dwarven hammer.
   The party make their way back to a valve which they also manage to open, draining the water from the dungeon. The Knights proceed to a room obviously designed to ensure immersion, now partially drained. The druid, using her elemental powers, begins to lower the water. They defeat a pair of kelpies subsisting here and avoid the wrath of a once-again-charmed Cymry. Further on, the company make their way into a sort of fun-house spinning tunnel. The tunnel, the characters notice, is covered in flammable oil. After lighting the oil afire and allowing it to subside, Melath presses on and detects a murder hole at the far end. He peers through and sees nothing. Upon turning away to search the area, a flaming arrow launches from the hole, missing the half-Drow by a foot.


Sessions 43 & 44

May 24th and June 21st, 2015 - 26th of Patchwall to the 27th of Ready'reat (Autumn) 580 CY

   With some difficulty, the companions ascend the mountain to an area known as the Wizard's Mouth. After much searching the party finally happens upon a hatch which has been welded shut by time and humidity. The Druid reshapes the surrounding stone in order to loosen the valve. The party descends into the mountain upon rusty, ringing steps. The very structure of the mountain seems to hum with the strength of the water plume jutting from the mountain's caldera.
   At the bottom of the stairwell the party steps down into about 18" of murky water. After an encounter with a blade trap, green slime, and a room of suspended globes filled with dangerous/beneficial contents the companions determine that they came ill-prepared for White Plume Mountain. They decide to turn back. The Modest men encounter a pair of wights on the way out of the dungeon, who drain some life from the cleric of St. Cuthbert. The company ascends the stairwell with what loot they were able to take from the globe room and stash it via Stoneshape in the Wizard's Mouth.
   The company hobbles it's way back to Kinnick and then through the Shield Lands, destined for the Free City of Greyhawk. In Admundfort they meet the Admiral's Lieutenant, Garrit. Through Garrit they are able to book passage upon a Ferrondese schooner and make their way to the Free City. Melath barters away the return trip for new boots.
   The Modest Men arrive in Grehawk on the 3rd of Ready'reat. Aelfric is promptly left in the hands of the priests at the great temple of St. Cuthbert. The companions are sad to find that their friend will have to remain with the Cuthbertines for many months to restore his abilities, lost to the undead under the mountain. The company finds lodging in a well known establishment, The Green Dragon Inn. The place is a favorite of adventurers throughout the Central Flanaess. The group rents rooms and settles in for a couple of weeks.
   Melath seeks out a tailor with the ability to make hip-boots. He is told the process would take a couple of weeks. During that time, Rivermist consults with priests of Beory to determine why she's being surrounded by blue-jays. She is told to speak to them with her druidic abilities. Melath seeks counsel with dwellers of the sewers. Elladan establishes an even closer business relationship with Verangian, the Rhennee lord. The Pelorian stays with his brethren in the temple of the Sun God. The party also spends some time identifying magic. The Modest Men hire out for a strong arm and find one in a dwarf, Cymry. Strong as a bull and as tall as a young human.
   Elladan arranges passage with Verangian's people. Beside an encounter upon the Nyr Dyv with buccaneers who back down from the superior naval power of the Rhennee, nothing eventful occurs on the way back to Kinnick and White Plume Mountain. Admundfort and the Shield Lands prove an uneventful destination. The Modest Men arrive in Kinnick with a light covering of snow on the ground.
   While scaling the mountain, the party is attacked by perytons, a strange horned eagle. This experience would have proven fatal to Melath had he not been wearing his ring of feather fall. The Knights make it to the Wizard Mouth for a second time. It appears that there have been no visitors since they took their last exit from the feathered mount. The party pops the hatch and descends.
   Reaching the bottom of the staircase, the adventurers don their hip boots and slog onward. They avoid the blade trap and make their way into a room containing five golems. One of the monsters has a riddle stitched to it's chest. The party fails to solve and are immediately attacked by the mindless beasts. Cymry takes the brunt of the damage, while the rest of the party begin to carve away at the fleshy monsters. The Pelorian then casts a lighting bolt which actually brings a couple of the abominations back from the brink of death. The fight begins anew. The heroes eventually slay the creatures.
   Forging ahead, the party ascends a short staircase and out of the gunky water. After turning a corner they find themselves faced with a turnstile.


Sessions 41 & 42

April 26th and May 10th, 2015 - 11th to the 25th of Patchwall (Autumn) 580 CY

   The Knights of Rockhome decide to travel back to the Temple of Elemental Evil to view the destruction. They will also stop over in Verbobonc to tie up some loose ends.
    The party encounters deformed monsters on their descent from the City of Rockhome. They quickly defeat the vile beings. Rivermist finds a note regarding the Fomorians' destination in the Jotens. The companions head for the Kron Hills.
   They come to the town of Tristane and rest for the night in The Sleepy Owl Inn &Tavern. They are approached by an old fellow by the name of Perlanyl. He is accompanied by several body guards and a beautiful (much) younger woman named Tarla, whom he introduces as his wife. The man has a proposition from one of the Oligarchs of Greyhawk. Find three intelligent weapons and bring them back to the Free City. He says that they are located at White Plume Mountain in the northern Shield Lands. He gives Melath a scroll, to which the party should apply their names if they agree to the proposal.
   On their way to Verbobonc the Moat House Men stumble upon a large group of bandits. The heroes remain unnoticed by the brigands. Melath and Elladan, scouting the band, determine the location of leader's tent and that the criminals are holding slaves. The party decides to act. They sneak into the camp and slay the leader and his bodyguards. By creating a fiery distraction the party is able to free the slaves, all fleeing to safety.
   The Knights accompany the slaves and the bandit leader's whores to Verbobonc. The freed captives disperse once they enter the city. Elladan retrieves his repaired elven chain. The party is invited to Castle Greyfist for a ceremony in their honor. They are given quarters at the castle for the duration of their stay in Verbobonc. The Viscount's Vizier, Padraic, presents a spell to Melath which would augment the intelligence and powers of his rat familiar "Scritch".
   A few days later, after Wilfrick and Thrommel arrive, a great ceremony is held to bestow knighthood upon the group. They are given a Viscount's Riding in the southeast corner of the country. The moat house is their's. Unfortunately, Thrommel was unable to hold it against the depredations of the forces of the Pomarj. The Viscount and Provost pledge to rebuild the battle-damaged structure. Curiously, but not without merit, a new moniker for the group seems to be humming about the city: "The Modest Men."
   Many opportunities for adventuring are presented to the Knights of the Viscounty - Giants have been raiding the lands of Sterich and the Yeomanry; A dwarven Prince of Ulek seeks brave adventurers to recover powerful magic items; an ancient temple to an insane god awaits exploration in the Yatils; the depths of Castle Greyhawk once again appear to be a destination for adventurers. The group decides to sign the contract they were given in Tristane by Perlanyl. They read from the magical scroll and the old man scribes in return with directions to the legendary mountain.The Knights leave for Hommlet and the moat house before setting out for The Shield Lands.
   Arriving in Hommlet, Elladan immediately sets his sights to finding an artist to render his likeness. Hommlet is now a bustling town surrounded by palisades. It seems that warriors and mercenaries from many regions are travelling through the town to the fight with the Pomarj - Elven warriors from Celene traveling to the Ulek States, Ferrondese Knights travelling to Narwell, Greyhawk myrmidons heading north to fight the forces of Iuz. Somewhat noteworthy, dwarves with the crest of Rockhome also seen traveling to supplement the forces of their brethren in the Principality of Ulek. Elladan finds a talented scrivener named Albrecht who is willing to etch the humble rogue's likeness.
   The party surveys the destruction of the moat house and find that a number of items, including magical items, were destroyed in the battle. They mourn their losses and head out to see the destruction they had wrought on the Temple of Elemental Evil. When they arrive, they notice that the oppressive atmosphere is no longer present. Despite the season, trees seem to be more healthy and robust; the birds are chirping; the wind is absent of the smell of decay - nature has returned to the area. All that remains is a sunken pile of rubble. The Knights ponder the fate of the evil which lurked under their feet.
   With regalia adorned and upon warhorses given them by their liege lord, the party sets off for Sobanwych and Dyvers to book passage to the Shield Lands. They visit with High Priest Jarrod of the Fane of Pelor in Sobanwych briefly. Of course he "happens" to have a concoction ready for the party's testing in case of emergencies. Elladan readily agrees to take the potion with him. The Modest Men travel north to Dyvers Free City.
   In many respects Dyvers is quite similar to Greyhawk. Both cities control large swaths of land. Both ply the waters of the Nyr Dyv. Both sponsor privateers to hinder each other's trade. Most significantly for our purposes, both cities harbor a large itinerant population of the people known as the Rhennee. It is with a Rhennee Lord, Verangian, the company books passage. The party learns a bit about Rhennee society on their trip to Admundfort.
   In Admundfort he company is interviewed by the bureaucracy of the Shieldlander Paladin Lord, Admiral Plar. It is of some inportance that the party indicate why it is they chose to book passage with the Rhennee. In the end, however, they are given passage to the mainland with a stern warning against making deals with the Rhennee.
   After several days of overland travel and a small skirmish with a band of goblinoids, the party arrives at the White Plume Mountain and the town of Kinnick. 


Sessions 39 & 40

April 5th, 2015 & April 19th, 2015 - 2nd day of Brewfest to the 11th of Patchwall (Autumn Fest into Autumn) 580 CY

   The group rests and trains for a week at the moat house. Rivermist flies to Nulb as a falcon and spots a small army of orcs and other humanoids coalescing near the Temple. Using the mirror, Melath "exchanges" some magic for items the party deems more useful.
   They decide to head west to the Lortmils and attempt to find a wind of high velocity, cold water, and to supplicate to the dwarves of Rockhome to create a granite maul. These elements being three of the key ingredients required in the destruction of the Golden Orb.
   The route to Rockhome is marked by encounters with demons and devils. The Devils are disguised as an errant knight and his followers. The ruse, however, does not last for long and the fiends are disposed of by the party. It should be noted that a group of elves from the Faerie Kingdom of Celene joined the party, claiming they were summoned by one of Rivermist's sparrow friends. A familiar face is among them, Elladan of Fax. They are led by a Grey Elf named Alduin.
   The adventurers, after about two days of travel, reach Rockhome. They are greeted by a cautious group of dwarves. The group's leader, Balgair Zincbeard, finally agrees to grant the party audience with the King of Rockhome, Jorn.
   Jorn is at first skeptical of the party's proposition. He then begins to realize that this could put his kingship on the historical map. He agrees to forge the granite maul and knows just the location to destroy the Orb.
   The maul is prepared and King Jorn, along with his high priests of Moradin, accompany the moat house men to the proscribed location. A pedestal is erected and the orb is placed upon it. The priests of Moradin begin to intone a dwarven hymn. Melath and Nierdre cast spells to aid in the destruction. Rivermist calls upon the Old Faith to escalate the wind speed. Jorn strikes with the maul, Melath casts his fireball spell, and King Jorn swats the orb into the freezing lake below. The entire group - Men, Dwarves, Elves - brace themselves for whatever it was their imaginations had conjured up. The mountain is quiet.
   The Sylvan priestess, however, looking over the expanse of the great plateau of the Kron Hills, flanked to the north by the waters of the Velverdyva and the south by the majestic plains of the Elven Kingdom, sees in the distance where the evil Temple might lie at the edge of the Gnarley Forest - immense destruction! As if a meteor had fallen from the skies and created a great impact in the ground below. Moments later the entire group feels the ground shake perceptibly beneath their feet.
   The Moat House Men are awarded honorary knighthood in the Kingdom of Rockhome. Each are given a platinum signet ring set with six tiny rubies and embedded with the crest of the Dwarven Kingdom of Rockhome. All of this occurs with great ceremony and celebration.


Session 38

March 29th, 2015 - 25th of Harvester to the 2nd day of Brewfest (High Summer to Autumn Fest) 580 CY

   The efreeti laughs with delight at the words of Melath. He readily agrees to the elf's bargain - transportation to the Plane of Molten Skies for a wish home to the Flanaess and the safety of the Moat House. The Druid and the Pelorian express doubts while Aelfric remains stoic. It is agreed that they will attempt a Divination before accepting a genie's contract.
   Neirdre incants a spell to call upon the knowledge of his sun god. It is divined that they should use a different function of the Yellowskull to escape the nodes. Melath grasps the orb and, with his companions in tow, concentrates upon the quarters of the fungi queen. The group finds themselves teleported to the room of four gates in the quarters of Zuggtmoy. They see an opportunity to escape to the upper levels of the Temple and their eventual freedom. The old hag, however, has other ideas. She confronts the heroes before they are able to exit with demonic companions and a beseechment. She implores that Melath relinquish the Golden Orb or she will not be able "dissuade" her demonic kin from tearing Melath's companions limb from limb. Neirdre casts a spell which appears to keep the approaching demons at bay. Rivermist chants a spell of pure air, rightfully fearing a fungal spore attack. Melath directs his comrades to grasp his person, at which time he offers the artifact to the demoness. As she grasps for the orb, the party is swept away through the Ether and into the Plane of Elemental Fire, entering into contract with the efreeti.
   As they gain their wits they find that the luckless Cleric of St. Cuthbert, lacking proper protection, has burst into flames and died. Melath's hope that the hag-queen would accompany them to this hostile environment is dashed. He can only assume that the Queen remains trapped in her quarters in the Temple. The party quickly gathers Aelfric's undamaged possessions (and a finger bone) and follow Zaltar through the streets of the City of Brass.
   As the companions race across the sizzling cobblestones of the great city, they notice all manner of strange inhabitants - most of them in bondage to an efreeti overlord. There were hapless flame-haired dwarves, hissing Salamanders, giant fiery newts, man-scorpions, humans and elves - races unknown and unusual, all in bonds and sorrowfully left to their lot in life. Nevertheless, the occasional devil or Efreeti master would notice and look upon the company of "Primes" with curiosity and suspicion. Just as one of these fiends began to approach the party, Zaltar directs them to round a bend in the avenue and into a steaming alleyway. The genie presents a key and opens a great brass door through which the group enters, closing it behind them and escaping an unwanted inquest. They are taken to a room lined with books of many sorts in languages unknown. Zaltar indicates that they should wait here until he returns. With that, he leaves the room, locking the door behind him. The company is left with their thoughts and the finger bone of a dead companion.
   Just as Rivermist began to express her doubts that they would ever see the efreeti again, the sound of a key unlocking the door was heard. Zaltar beckoned for them to follow him through the citadel, which he explained, was owned by his master - the Illustrious Emir, Al-Zalahiri, Vizier and Bey of the Great Sultan, Etc... The company is taken up a great spiral stairwell, six to seven storeys high. With Neirdre puffing in the rear, the group enters a large open-air turret and beholds a vista like none other. 
   In the distance were great plains of molten earth; magma spouts springing into the air as if trying to escape their own furious bonds. Twirling vortexes miles in length reached into the red yellow atmosphere. The lapping waves of an enormous sea of oil, alight with great blue and fuchsia flames, settled with bluster upon the molten shores. Some native avian with wings of flame appeared to be floating overhead, plying the torrential winds of the plane. Upon the sea below could be viewed mighty basalt ships with the crest of the Sultan emblazoned upon their sails. One of the companions notices that the ships seem to disappear beneath the walls of the City of Brass. It is then that they get the uneasy feeling that the city is floating over and above the scene before them.
   Jarring them from their reverie, a deep basso voice is heard laughing from behind. "A mortal's first reaction to the great city is always amusing." The friends turn to see the hulking form of a noble efreeti Emir standing before them. "You have returned one of my most prized servants," said the crimson overlord. Raising a bushy brow, "I should pay you in the Wish he promised - if you will deign to relinquish title of Zaltar to me." Neirdre crinkles his face in wonderment, Rivermist shakes her head, and Melath gets that particular twinkle in his eye. One might think that the others would know how to avoid the dangers native to that shady countenance. Alas, his companions appear not to notice and Melath sets upon creating a one-sided bargain. The Emir wants none of it and holds fast to his original offer. The companions are forced to accept. It seems that Rivermist's pragmatism wins the day. Al-Zalahiri flamboyantly waves his hand and grants the wish of the Moat House Men who, find themselves standing before the welcome sight of the half-built keep -- and the leering faces of three vicious barbed devils.
   The fiends leap to attack. Their rending claws and gnashing teeth sink into flesh. The company gives as good as it gets, even slightly better as the monsters are forced to retreat and appear to blink out of existence. It is just at this moment that Prince Thrommel springs through the Moat House gate upon his trusty steed and accompanied by two companions. The look of disappointment upon Thrommel's face as the last devil gates out of existence is nearly heartbreaking. It seems that Al-Zalahiri's wish was tainted.


Session 37

March 22nd, 2015 - 23rd of Harvester to the 25th of Harvester (High Summer) 580 CY

   The group finds themselves surrounded by a jumble of elemental earth. The room they are in is cavernous and unstable. The caves of the Node are a crumbling mess of sinkholes, cave-ins, and falling rocks. It is then that they notice Sir Rennard of the Hart and Zohar the Invoker are missing. Whether they were not within range of Melath and the power gem and left behind, or were transported to other domains, no one knows. The Moat House Men are, for the time being, comprised of Rivermist the Druid, Neirdre the Pelorian, and Melath the Multi-Tasker. Aelfric, Cleric of St. Cuthbert, has been a true ally of the group as well. The adventurers take stock of their situation. The priestly members begin to realize that various element specific protection spells will work in a more generalized manner in the Nodes. The priests pool their resources and cast protection from fire spells upon the group. The environmental damage is stopped, for the moment, while the party rests and heals from previous encounters and ordeals.
   The party chooses a random tunnel and forges onward. Melath soon scouts a group of, what he refers to as, "hedgehogs from hell". The party surprises the beasts and falls upon them. The creatures turn out to be much heartier than first expected. One of the monsters attaches itself to the chest of Zaltar and wounds the efreeti with what seems like relative ease. Melath concludes that the genie is too proud to beg for healing. Aelfric is wounded severely. The loamy creatures are taken down eventually and Zaltar is brought back from the brink of death by the Pelorian while the Druid attends to Aelfric's wounds. The party returns to the "entrance" cavern and moves on.
   A good deal of extra time is spent dealing with travel through less-than-ideal environmental conditions. Eventually, the spelunkers find a larger sized cavern containing a gate to what might be the Air Node. Off the cavern and down a short corridor they spy what appears to be the feeding ground of a pair of gorgons. The area is a large cavern hollowed out by the monsters themselves. While the party discusses tactics, they realize that they might avoid the death of everyone in the party if they were to retreat to the gate cavern.
   A plan is soon devised and the party acts, confusing and surprising the great bulls. One of the creatures is dispatched quickly by Aelfric's flame strike and Neirdre's electrical bolts. The remaining gorgon is trapped within a ring of fire summoned by the efreeti. The beast nevertheless survives the barrage and breathes forth a green mist which petrifies to stone the hapless Druid and the Cuthbertine. It turns out this was also one of the bull's last breaths as it falls to the ground, mortally wounded. Melath searches the area and the others puzzle over what to do about their rocky brethren.
   Melath comes across what seems to be the last of the four power gems. Neirdre determines that it might be worth their while to open the bellies of the great beasts. They find a number of valuable gems and some time is spent bickering over the values of a few of them. Conversation then returns to the statues of their companions. Neirdre divines from Pelor that a solution might be buried underneath their very feet. A spell is cast and the floor opens. Melath chimneys down the narrow void and finds at the bottom (with Scritch's help) a stone bowl containing a lump of clay (q.v.). He returns to the top of the rapidly crumbling pit and the group wonders what to make of their find. Melath sees runes from what might be an ancient language inscribed upon the bowl.
   Invoking his magical ability to parse the unreadable, Melath determines that the item is a magical device used to render fossilized flesh viable. It seems also that they have enough clay to revivify a total of four individuals. The Pelorian speaks the command words, molds the clay and the cold visages of their friends are brought back to life. Prayers and orisons are wiped clean from the memories of Aelfric and Rivermist as the transformation is nearly too much for them to bear. They are, however, otherwise intact.
   Melath, with the taste of success possibly emboldening him, decides to extract the Golden Orb from it's container and grasp it with bare hands. With a twinkle in his eye, the half-drow speaks: "Genie, I have a proposition..."


The Promethean Bowl

A nondescript carved stone bowl containing a lump of clay. Inscribed upon it, in the language of elemental earth, are instructions and command words. The clay is shaped to the specifications inscribed and combined with a chip from the petrified remains of the victim. When the command words are spoken the stony version of the target becomes flesh again. A system shock roll is required to survive the transition. The ball of clay usually comes in 1d6 uses and when the clay is used up, the bowl cracks and becomes non-magical and useless. The bowl may only be used by priests with access to the Sphere of Creation.


Session 36

October 12th, 2014 - 21st of Harvester to the 23rd of Harvester (High Summer) 580 CY

- After the dragon is slain the companions dig into the beast's belly and find a smoky quartz gem which would presumably fit into one of the recesses in the Golden Orb. Once Melath touches the gem, they all reappear in the air node. 
- After much exploration the party finds the carnelian stone among the windswept ledges of the air node. This is found in the midst of a group of tentacled vortex creatures.The creatures are dispatched quickly. The party blinks into the water node.
-Appearing on a reef, knee deep in water the heroes ponder their next move. Consulting with Zaltar, he agrees to provide a wish to Rivermist providing access to the location of the next power gem - within a grotto inhabited by vicious Kuo Toa. The gem is found and the party teleports to the Earth Node.


A New One

Sorry I haven't posted in a little bit. I just thought to mention the new ToEE coming out in Forgotten Realms 5E - http://dnd.wizards.com/elemental-evil


Session 35

October 5th, 2014 - 12th of Harvester to the 21st of Harvester (High Summer) 580 CY

-The companions conduct mundane business in Nulb. Rivermist trades up for a magical shield. Rennard mounts a magically lit coin to his shield. Aelfric of St. Cuthbert joins the party once again. Rivermist transforms into a peregrine falcon and runs into a curious pseudodragon on her way back to Hommlet to deposit funds with Melubb.
- The party heads back to the Temple. The seemingly ever present ravens inhabiting the upper reaches of the tower are found slain by what were apparently forces from the Wild Coast.
- Making their way through the two upper levels of the Temple, the party encounters no one else. They easily follow their own tracks into the Interdiction of Zuggtmoy and then to the room of elemental gates. They step together into the gate indicated by the symbol of the Fire Temple.
- The environment of this demi-plane is hot, molten and possibly dangerous if the party had not possessed magical rings and enchantments to abate the damage. After defeating various fire elementals with the help of water-based spells conjured up by the Druid, one of the elementals, a Salamander, is taken captive.
- After the companions encounter and defeat a gaggle of Harggins, they size up their current condition and decide to sequester themselves into a vacant room. Here the "salamander" reveals himself to them as genie, more to point - an efreet. To their great surprise, he also reveals that they have been appraised to be worthy to help him defeat the red dragon which holds the key to his release. He also reveals that the creatures in the "node" are not summoned but were tricked and trapped here. Neirdre divines that the dragon is holed up in the north east section of the node.
- The Moat House Men set off to confront the great lizard. It becomes quite obvious that they are approaching the right area as the temperature rapidly increases. Potions are drunk and defensive spells are cast. The party rounds the corner with Zaltar the efreet at the fore - along with Rennard. There before them was the great beast spewing forth it's burning breath. Again, orisons, spells, and cantrips save their bacon. Neirdre speaks the words of a great transformative spell and the mighty beast disappears and in it's place... a tuna. Astonished upon this sight, the efreet springs into action and immediately hacks the fish to pieces, killing it. Upon it's death the fish transforms back into a dead dragon. The party is silent.


Session 34

September 28th, 2014 - 12th of Harvester (High Summer) 580 CY

- The companions ponder their situation. Do the gates lead to important components of the "key" to the Temple? Are they merely distractions and possibly death traps? They decide to ruminate upon their dilemma while exploring other areas of the interdiction.
- Melath explores ahead and comes upon a room of loamy earth. As he signals forth the other members of the party, vaguely humanoid-shaped fungi spring forth from the soil and attack with their gangly tentacles. Smaller, hooting versions of the squat creatures break through the earth and seem to wither in the light of Zohar's magically lit coin. The larger violet colored mushrooms leave a rotting disease upon Melath's arm - yet they are easily destroyed by the lit spheres of Zohar and some Pelorian magical missiles. Neirdre calls forth the powers of Pelor to heal the putrescence afflicting Melath. Neirdre reveals something magical in the center of the room and Rennard, tied to his friends, wades in and retrieves the ivory case.
- The companions move on to another room with walls depicting fungi triumphant. There is also a non-descript armchair. The adjoining room contains four highly suspicious suits of armor. Rennard concentrates and detects an evil emanation. As he enters the room, the metal constructs animate and attack! Rennard battles with his sword while Zohar casts forth a lightning spell, which appears to not affect the monsters. After some time and wasted spell casting, it is determined that the creatures can only be affected by mundane means. Zohar throws caution to the wind and invokes the powers of his mysterious wand dropping one of the creatures in a deep pit. Rivermist and Neirdre chip away at them with their respective weapons. Melath's inexplicable clumsiness rises to the forefront. Insects are summoned. Eventually the clanging, metal creatures are destroyed. A strange scream is heard, or was it... Cackling? The companions bind their wounds and move on.
- Melath, scouting ahead, comes to a long corridor which abuts a tapestry shrouding the room beyond. He notices four dusty stones sitting in a niche opposite the tapestry. An eerie chuckle is heard from beyond the tapestry. The rest arrive to meet him while he takes a peek under the tapestry. The old crone he sees staring directly at him distresses, especially as Rennard whispers that she is of a great and ancient evil. Melath stands and extracts a stone from the niche. His wrist is immediately met by a blade slicing down from inside the niche. He draws back a bloody stump, his dismembered hand flopping to the floor. Neirdre rushes to staunch the bloody wound and successfully and expediently dresses the wound. Melath gathers what was once "his."
- In the meantime, distracted by the ineffable evil, Rennard draws back the tapestry and enters the chamber beyond. He discovers, kneeling before him, the crone that Melath spied. She begs for the Paladin's help in escaping her prison and former home. She offers the electrum pillar as a gift for helping to achieve her egress. The stoic Cuthbertine ignores her pleas. Meanwhile, Rivermist and Zohar make their appearance in the throne room of the demoness Zuggtmoy. The Druid calls forth her magical rope to constrain the hag. The crone seems to cringe as the rope entwines her limbs. She again pleads with the good knight for her release. She offers the gold pillar for her release. Again, the knight ignores her pleas. She then disappears from sight, the rope falling to the stairs of the dais. Zohar retreats to the corridor. Melath has disengaged from the group and is communing with Skritch, his familiar. Neirdre witnesses the disappearance of the crone as he steps beyond the tapestry.
- Back in the corridor Zohar uses his psionic ability to move the four stones from the niche without physically touching them. The traps spring and Zohar is affected only by a lightning trap. he takes minimal damage. The back side of the niche opens to reveal a small room containing magical implements. Melath explores the hallway for hidden doors and traps and discovers only the twin of the southern secret door through which they entered on the north side of the corridor. Rennard hears, seemingly in his own thoughts, the voice of the old crone offering up the last and most precious of the three pillars, the platinum. His resolve is strong, his mettle true.
- The party, with the help of the elven Druidess' rope, retrieves the items from the trapped room. With a lingering thought from the demoness - "Thieves!" - they take their exit. Beyond short encounters with some two-headed giants and oblivious trolls, the party heads to Nulb to reflect on their experiences and identify the loot garnered from the evil edifice.


Session 33

September 7th, 2014 - 3rd of Harvester to the 12th of Harvester (High Summer) 580 CY

- The Moat House Men are surprised to find Prince Thrommel's war horse, Nubis, has arrived to meet his master in Nulb. He is accompanied by Thrommel's Aide-de-camp and field staff.The Prince suggests the party return to the Temple to finish the job they have started. Despite protestations, the heroes of Hommlet agree and detour to the Moat House to train and refit for their return to the Temple.
- Zohar and Neirdre allow Burne access to Falrinth's spellbooks in exchange for some of his own spells and future favor. He readily agrees.
- The party returns to the Temple's third level. They encounter a lurking, constricting creature, but for Neirdre's recently learned Stoneskin spell, the monster nearly killed him. A couple of handy Flaming Sphere applications were integral.
- After avoiding a large sliding wall trap in another chamber, Melath finds a ruby in a jar. A fine film on the gem gave him a scorching case of "sausage fingers" for a short time. Thankfully he had extracted the stone from the jar before touching it.
- The party finally confronts the demon-head trap guarding the door of an obviously important room. After Rivermist divines the trap as lethal, Neirdre creates snakes from sticks to set it off as the party finds shelter. The trap emits poison darts and a lethal gas. After the gas clears, the band enters the room beyond.
- The laboratory beyond the demon door contains all sorts of spell components and materials used in spell research. It also contains a body - the stitched-together constituent body parts of a number of monsters. Rennard hacks the abomination to pieces. It was then that a many armed beast attacked, roping it's tentacles around Rennard and others. The Paladin's natural good luck fails him here. He is rendered powerless by the tactile venom on the beast's tentacles. The party, however, defeats the beast and Melath finds a treasure in it's belly.
- After resting up in the roper room, the party ponders their next move. They conclude that they should return to the preceding level and attempt to break down the locked doors down to the blocked area to the north. The great bronzewood valves are sundered in no time at all.
- The party comes into a great throne room. The many stylized fixtures depict fungi in triumph. The demoness Zuggtmoy is also mentioned in runes. The heroes search various anterooms to the throne room. The party discovers a large room with what they believe to be extra planar gates depicted in the four symbols of elemental evil.


Session 32

August 31st, 2014 - 1st of Harvester to the 3rd of Harvester (High Summer) 580 CY

- The Pelorian, Cuthbertine, Invoker, Rogue and Druid move on to the great hexagonal room which Elladan the elf had explored slightly on an earlier excursion. When they enter the echoing chamber, they are confronted by eight drooling, hungry trolls. Zohar keeps them at bay with his fire spells while the rest begin to torment them using guerrilla tactics. It soon becomes apparent, however, that they will only defeat them with other-than mundane means. They finish the nasty beasts with oil and fire. Four iron keys are looted from the bodies and lairs of the creatures.
- In another room, the party finds a hidden pantry stocked with valuable goblets and expensive brandy.
- Further on, our heroes enter a richly decorated room and discover the body of an elf who met her end in an obviously violent manner. Revenge, apparently, was on her dying breath because her implacable spirit remained nearby. As the keening shade attacked, Zohar was stricken with great fear and flew through the corridors of the temple. Meanwhile the remaining members of the party magically silence, corner and banish the shrieking she-elf. The party retrieves a stone from the hand of the corpse and a scroll of wizard spells which were detected as magic. The Druid and Paladin also retrieve the disoriented invoker.
- Another room reveals alchemical components and materials in great quantities. Rivermist magically works the stone into a barrier before the entrance to the circular room. The intent of the party is to return and bring the items back to the moat house in order that Zohar might dabble in his actinic endeavors.
Crown Prince of Furyondy and Provost of Veluna, Thrommel
- The Moat House Men proceed to the northwest. Melath's sharp vision picks out the opening device of a secret door. As the party enters the area beyond the door, they notice disuse and dust. It is quite apparent that this area has not seen footfall in many years. Rennard takes the lead and nearly stumbles into a deep pit. It is determined that Melath will be lowered into the pit to get a better look at the corpse spotted lying at the bottom. He discovers that the liquid is a sort of acid and that the poor victim impaled on the spikes and partially dissolved was a warrior of the Shield Lands. Melath fills four flasks with the demonic liquid. After returning to the top, the cutpurse is once again tasked with climbing the walls of the corridor, over the pit, and into what lies beyond.
  Astonishingly, the dark elf discovers a shrine to Pholtus "of the Blinding Light" and a silver cross over the west wall. In the shrine is a silver idol created in the image of the bright god and a votive lamp - also silver. There seemed to be a great deal of silver... The paladin kneels and prays sensing a presence of evil emanating from beyond the silver cross. Melath dons the ring of transparency and peers through the wall to what was likely the room in which they had previously divined the presence of Prince Thrommel - disguised as a vampire. A secret door leading into the room also becomes evident to Melath.
- The group decides to utilize the secretive area to rest for a full day. Upon regaining their spells and wits, the cohort enters Thrommel's resting place, carefully. What lies in this room matches Melath's and the party's expectations. They spend some time determining how to bring the Provost out of his torpor. Rivermist suspects that the sarcophagus should be brought out of the chamber. Upon exiting the room the Prince appears to revive from his undead state and takes some time to come to his senses. Upon his revival, he asks for the band's help to exit the Temple.
- As the Moat House Men escort the Prince to Nulb and possibly beyond, to
Mitrik, they consider the ramifications of what they have done. 


Session 31

August 17th, 2014 - 15th of Goodmonth to the 28th of Goodmonth (High Summer) 580 CY

-While training in Verbobonc the party meets the returning heroes of the Battle of Chendl. Ned, a former member of the party introduces them to a comrade-in-arms, one Rennard, Knight of the Hart and Paladin of the Holy Brotherhood of St. Cuthbert. Rennard is very interested in the prospect of joining the party to battle the demonic forces in the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Knights of the Hart, Furyondy
- The party spends a full week in Verbobonc training and cavorting. On the 22nd of Goodmonth the Moat House Men set off once again for Hommlet, the moat house and the Temple. On the third day of the journey, the party is ambushed by a group of Cross-Spear orcs from the Lortmil Mountains. Rivermist invokes her nature magic to entangle a number of them while the rest of the party dispatches the remaining creatures with ease. Rennard proves his mettle.
- After the party arrives at the moat house, Sorrin parts ways to train with the Rangers of the Gnarley and his newly acquired gnarley lion. He is accompanied by Thanik. Elladan sets off for Fax and the Wild Coast. Sadira stays at the moat house to train with the Constables of Verbobonc. It is the 26th of Goodmonth.
- Neirdre, Melath, Rivermist, Zohar, and Rennard set off for Nulb and the Temple. In the third level of the Temple, the group happens upon a reclining ettin who is killed in moments. Prisoners are found in nearby cells. Rennard ends the lives of the humanoid prisoners and the party escorts human prisoners from the Temple and to the safety of Nulb. Melath invites them to be tenant farmers for the residents of the moat house.
- The group returns to the Temple the next day. The party beelines for the third level and is quite promptly attacked by shadowy undead. The Paladin and the priest of Pelor, invoking their Power's holiness, turn the fiends away. The party sets upon and destroys them.


Session 30

July 27th, 2014 - 3rd of Goodmonth to the 15th of Goodmonth (High Summer) 580 CY

- The party rests in Falrinth's old laboratory to regain their wits.They are attacked by trolls who are quickly dispatched.
- Having rested sufficiently for a day, the party continues it's exploration of the Temple. Sadira is charmed by an, ultimately, vicious Lamia. The fungi she lived among appeared to be well kept. The beast's charms fail to work on the rest of the party and Sadira chooses to do the opposite of learn from the experience. The monster, however, is killed. An expensive gold necklace and some weaponry were retrieved from her lair.
- They happen upon illusory human prisoners of illusory harpies and illusory rats and foxes. The harpies turn out to be gargoyles and the others jackals and Jackalweres. Again, Sadira is charmed by this foolishness. A potion and a scroll were looted from the dead.
- The Moat House men come upon a room which seemed to be a prison for the Umber Hulks inhabiting the area. After some flying and confusion, the fiends are killed. Sorin shrinks and flies to the top of some strange holes in the ceiling.
- Another room is explored wherein some unusual hoofed, feline creatures live. They seem to have the power of mimicry and fool poor Sorin into believing a human is trapped in their grotto. These creatures love the taste of metal and Elladan's elven chain falls prey to their appetites. The beasts are killed.
- The Moat House Men leave the Temple for Verbobonc - a four day trip. They encounter a patrol of gnomes who look kindly upon them due to the coin the party was given many months ago.
- In Verbobonc the adventurers identify the treasures they have come across. Some take up training in their chosen professions.


Session 29

July 20th, 2014 - 18th of Reaping to the 3rd of Goodmonth (High Summer) 580 CY

- After defeating the hill giant and his dire pet the party finds some captives, possibly dinner "companions" of the giant. One of the captives, Arrow Forge, offers to add his talents as an archer to those of the party.
- Arrowforge, Rivermist, and Sadira are promptly petrified by the gaze of a basilisk. The survivors finally slay the reptilian horror and loot it's treasure trove.
- Melath, with the assistance of the magical Ebony Fly and the Gating Mirror, retrieves the petrified remains of his companions and two other unfortunate adventurers to the safe confines of the moat house.
- The party sets off for the Free City to seek Tron's help in restoring their comrades to a viable form. Tron reintroduces them to Tillamast The Conjurer, who offers a solution... for a price. The party uses a good deal of the booty from the basilisk horde and make up for the difference by utilizing their particular professions. Melath and Elladan play a major role in this endeavor.
City of Greyhawk Coat of Arms
- Thanik visits the Druids of the Ancient Stone Circle in search of an enchanted wooden shield to procure for his stony sister.
- After garnering scrolls that would reiterate flesh to stone from Tillamast and the Wizard's Guild of Greyhawk, the Moat House Men begin their journey home.
- On the 1st day of Goodmonth the party encounters a weary patrol of Greyhawk militia. These men have been fighting the forces of the Pomarj near Narwell. The party heals wounds and provides succor to the grateful soldiers.
- The party arrives back at the moat house without further incident. The words of magic writ are bespoken and blood flows again through the veins of those who were stone.
- One of the revived strangers attempts to flee from his benefactors and is directly laden by Rivermist's magic. The other, an acolyte of The Hopping Prophet, seems docile enough. Their memories are wiped and they are released into the swamps.
- The party returns to the Temple. After surviving an encounter with wisps guarding treasures and statues of a dubious nature, Sorin is slain by a dusty substance emanating from an urn. He is resuscitated by the Rod of Holy Resurrection.


A Key To The Temple

The Two united, in the past,
              a Place to build, and spells to cast.
              Their power grew, and took the land
              and people round, as they had planned.

A key without a lock they made
              of gold and gems, and overlaid
              with spells, a tool for men to wield
              to force the powers of Good to yield.

But armies came, their weapons bared,
              while evil was yet unprepared.
              The Hart was followed by the Crowns
              and Moon, and people of the towns.

The Two were split; one got away
              but She, when came the judgment day,
              did break the key, and sent the rocks
              to boxes four, with magic locks.

In doing so, She fell behind
              as He escaped. She was confined
              among Her own; her very lair
              became her prison and despair.

The Place was ruined, torn apart
              and left with chains around the heart
              of evil power--but the key
              was never found in the debris.

He knows not where She dwells today.
              She set the minions' path, the way
              To lift Her Temple high again
              With tools of flesh, with mortal men.

Many now have gone to die
              in water, flame, in earth, or sky.
              They did not bear the key of old
              that must be found--the orb of gold.

Beware, my friend, for you shall fall
              unless you have the wherewithall
              to find and search the boxes four
              and then escape forevermore.

But with the key, you might succeed
              in throwing down Her power and greed.
              Destroy the key when you are done
              and then rejoice, the battle won.


Session 28

July 13th, 2014 - 4th of Reaping to the 18th of Reaping (High Summer) 580 CY

Through the looking glass... Literally.
- After defeating Falrinth and capturing Smigmal, the party searches their living quarters and finds the Yellowskull. Here they also find a valuable shrine dedicated to Lolth.
- The party leaves with Smigmal as prisoner and leave her with Verbobonc militia in Nulb.
They make their return to the moat house and discover a similar (same?) group of hippogriffs circling overhead.
- Many items are magically identified, including a magical mirror with portal capabilities. Members of the party train and recuperate. Rivermist and Thanik retrieve incense with magical meditative properties from the Druids of the Welkwood. Thanik is informed of the willingness of a particular Ranger in Oakvein to train Sorin to be the companion to a young Gnarleycat.
- Sorin, Neirdre, Elladan, Melath, and Sadira port to Sobanwych to destroy the demonic shrine. Zohar stays behind to reopen the mirror's portal.
- The party meets back up in the moat house and sets off for the Temple once again. Once in the Temple, they come across a large ambush of humanoids, including a hill giant and his pet dire wolf. They are made to shrug their mortal coils in short order.


Session 27

July 6th, 2014 - 5th day of the seven day festival of Richfest to the 4th day of Reaping (High Summer) 580 CY

- The party recovers in the Temple dungeons. After "napping" for an hour they resume exploration and encounter another priest of Elemental Fire. He and his cohort are defeated handily.
- The party also defeats some werewolf denizens of the Fire Temple who are posing as goodly beings when seen through some type of magical scrying device.
- The party sets off for Nulb and Hommlet for training and to identify magic with the help of Burne and Rufus. They find that they are in possession of an intelligent frost brand named Algarach. A non-intelligent flametongue is also identified. Burne also trades spells with the party. Zohar's dream of acquiring Fireball is realized.
- Elladan and Sorin encounter and defeat an advance column of Kobold infantry, ostensibly sent from the Wild Coast. The Ring of Shooting Stars plays an integral part.
- The Moat House Men set off once again for the Temple. They find in Nulb that Otis' apprentice has been conscripted into the Viscounts forces and sent to defend the Wild Coast town of Narwell. A new apprentice stable boy has been left in charge of their horses. The party sets off afoot for the Temple.
- Entering the Temple through the secret Northeast tower passage the party come upon a spell caster and a female roguish character. This, after Neirdre disbelieves an illusionary basilisk. After much spell battle and stealthy melee, the two are defeated.


Session 26

June 29th, 2014 - 1st to the 4th day of Richfest (Midsummer in Verbobonc), 580 CY

- Leaving Verbobonc as Richfest is beginning. Rivermist discovers Halfling looky-loos.
- In the Kron Hills there is an encounter with a band of aggressive ogres.
- Elladan, while visiting Hommlet, checks his assets and stays overnight. Thanik rendezvous' with a group of Gnarley Rangers. The rest of the party holes-up at the moat house.
- The party leaves for ToEE.
- The party once again enters the Temple of Elemental Evil. Party encounters denizens of the Fire Temple. Currently nursing wounds.


Jarrod's Regenerative Elixir

Patriarch Jarrod of Pelor, amateur medicinal herbalist from the town of Sobanwych, has been dabbling in the relationship between the regenerative properties of the monstrous troll and those of his usual botanical subjects. His latest experiment is what he calls The Regenerative Elixir. It is fortunate that he has an adventurous flock, willing to partake in his bold experiments. The latest subject has been the priest Neirdre. Besides Neirdre's very slight green pallor, the apparently permanent effects of imbibing the Elixir are as follow:
PotionYellow.png- Three rounds after the subject has taken hit point damage from a source besides fire or acid the Elixir will begin to regenerate hit points at the rate of one per round. The regenerative effect will continue until the subject's maximum hit point total has been reached or the subject is cured or healed through some magical means. If the subject's wounds are stanched naturally, yet full hit points are not restored, hit points will continue to regenerate at the same rate.
- All severed limbs will grow back unless they are subjected to fire or acid damage. Magical healing will also negate this effect. The time it takes for full growth of the severed limb is proportion dependent, usually anywhere between 6 hours to 72 hours.
- The Elixir will bring the subject back from beyond death's door. A resurrection survival roll is required and, if successful, the subject is still required to remove one point from his constitution score permanently. If the subject's death has been caused by fire or acid damage, the effects of the Elixir will have been considered fully expunged - even if the subject is brought back to life by other means.
- When hit points cease regenerating for whatever reason (e.g.: fire/acid damage, full hit points restored, magical healing), regenerated hit points are tallied and equal a percentage chance for the individual to begin transforming into a troll. Just a troll. No vestige of the former character remains other than the clothes he or she may be wearing. There may be some resemblance physically to the former character, but none whatsoever mentally. The d100 roll is made immediately after regeneration ceases. The transformation will take place in 1d6 hours (DM's secret roll) and is irreversible.


The Battle of Emridy Meadows Part III

"News of the victory at Emridy Meadows spread fast to Hommlet, the first evidence coming as strange men dressed in ochre were sighted running through the village in panic. The Temple of Elemental Evil lay within a couple days march for the allied host. Their coming emboldened the local villagers and farmers, knowing the end of the Temple were at hand. The allied forces, having met no resistance on their march were refreshed and well supplied once they finally laid siege to the walled fortress of the Temple. Inside the cult of Elemental Evil futilely held out with a scant garrison of troops, falling within a fortnight as the army threw down the upper works of their fortress just short of damaging the central Temple itself. Only a few of the vile leaders of the Temple managed to escape, and it is said these vengeful individuals were later to blame for the sudden disappearance of Prince Thrommel IV in 573 CY."

"Fearing a raid on the dungeons of the profane Temple would be too costly given the presence of a major demoness (Zuggtmoy), Prince Thrommel summoned all his mages and clerics to cooperate in creating great seals to bind this evil within the deepest parts of her own dungeon.5 Four pairs of large bronze doors starting with the Grand Entrance of the Temple were each bound with heavy iron chains and their seams filled with softened metal. Lastly runes were carved into the bronze portals bearing abjurations of arcane and holy power. With the final spells in place Evil was contained at last, but in the following years, agents of Good would remain nearby to keep an eye on the Temple for its inevitable resurgence."

"Nearly inconsequential during the siege of the Temple, the raiders’ Moathouse was the last piece to fall before Thrommel’s quest was complete. While the Prince oversaw the binding of the Temple, he sent a splinter force with their leftover siege machines to take the small outpost. Remarkably a mob of villagers from Hommlet, long terrorized by the evils of this place, joined in to help surround and raze the Moathouse."

"There was no shortage of heroes at the Battle of Emridy Meadows. Viscount Wilfrick attained fame for his part in commanding the campaign. His fortune and gratitude was shown to Hommlet through the construction of a temple of St. Cuthbert and the beginnings of a walled castle bestowed upon Burne the wizard and his friend the warrior Rufus, both veterans of Emridy. Another fighter earning fame at Emridy Meadows was Ricard Damaris who lost a finger on his left hand and suffered a wound that left him the distinctive triangular scar on his face. Ricard would later return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with the opportunistic Lord Robilar to help plunder its dungeons and earn enough to retire as the owner of the popular Green Dragon Inn in Greyhawk City. And brave Serten was given a grandiose funeral service in Verbobonc attended by many who fought with him at Emridy. Ironically, also in attendance were all his former companions from the disbanded Citadel of Eight whom for their own selfish reasons, had failed to take part in the most historic battle of the century."

Source: canonfire.com - Aftermath of the Battle of Emridy Meadows

The Battle of Emridy Meadows Part II

"It was at dawn when the horde was roused early from their rest by the signal horns of the allies preparing their formations for battle. The packed ranks of the allied contingents were arrayed so that 500 pikemen were protected on their flank by the Velverdyva River while at the center was displayed the colorful banners of 400 light cavalry and 100 heavy cavalry led by Thrommel himself. Finally, on the allied left were deployed blocks of 200 Lortmil dwarves and 100 Kron Hill gnomes, with about 50 elven archers of clan Meldarin positioned in between.3 The Horde of Elemental Evil was comprised of two forces. On the hordes’ left flank rode 550 human cavalry made up of bandits and Nulbish thugs with little experience in warfare beyond raiding lightly defended caravan trains. To the bandit’s right was a much larger force of humanoid infantry, a host of 3500 orcs drawn from the dark forests to the southeast and even the very depths of the Oerth. Also among them howled frenzied warbands of gnolls some 500 strong, and towering over all nearly 20 crudely armed ogres culled by the Temple from the surrounding wilds to provide heavy support."

"With reckless abandon the cultist lieutenants commanded their human cavalry ranks to engage the right flank and center of the allied forces, not that the rabble of humanoids gave them much choice. The majority of the Horde immediately charged the allied left flank once they saw the shields and heard the taunts of their traditional enemies. The enraged mass of humanoids was allowed to push aside the smaller demi-human ranks in a hasty attempt to encircle the rest of the allied army. Thrommel’s pikemen and screening cavalry also allowed the charging bandit cavalry to penetrate their line leaving them between the bend of the Velverdyva River and packed in with the encircling mob of humanoids. This of course sprung the trap planned by the Prince. At once the whole allied army pivoted counter-clockwise to encircle the Horde in this pocket. As Thrommel’s knights quickly turned to counter-attack the humanoid main body from the rear, 150 more elven warriors came from hidden reserve in the Gnarley Forest to close the killing arc.4 With their backs to the river and their leadership in disarray, the Horde of Elemental Evil was completely routed. While most fought to the death, scattered groups did manage to break out of the allied lines only to be hunted down or drowned in flight. However some survivors were allowed to flee south back to their Temple as a message of what was to come next."

"After the field was won Prince Thrommel wasted little time in rallying his weary troops and collecting their fallen. The most storied among those slain at Emridy was Serten of St. Cuthbert who fell during the final moments of the battle zealously defending the Prince to his last breath. This would later be a major loss to the allies’ plans for their next phase in the campaign, the siege of the Temple of Elemental Evil."

Source: canonfire.com - Battle of Emridy Meadows

The Battle of Emridy Meadows Part I

"Sometime in the late 550s the village of Nulb began to fester with all manner of evil folk, culminating with the founding of the soon infamous Temple of Elemental Evil. Before long local caravans, gnome clans and the neighboring village of Hommlet became easy targets for bandits from that region. Following many years of these simple raids and complacency among the rural folk, matters grew steadily worse by 568 CY. First was the construction of the Moathouse, an outpost east of Hommlet meant for further raids, then agents of Good also discovered that not only was the Temple mustering a small army but that the cult of Elemental Evil was actually under the direction of a powerful demoness."

"News of this Evil quickly spread from the Viscounty of Verbobonc to the ears of Prince Thrommel IV, Marshall of the combined armies of Furyondy and Veluna and also a renowned paladin. Compelled into a quest, the Prince left behind his concerns to the north, and promptly called upon his most pious knights, clerics and his own picked guards to help bring down this profane temple. Shortly after crossing the Velverdyva River in the spring of 569 CY, the host of Prince Thrommel joined with waiting contingents summoned from Veluna and Verbobonc. Accompanying these forces was Serten of St. Cuthbert, the lone member of the Citadel of Eight to volunteer aid to Thrommel’s cause.1 Not long after the allied column began their slow march to the southeast they were met by a welcome council of demi-human bands from the Lortmils, Kron Hills and the Gnarley Forest, who had similarly decided to deal with the growing presence of evil at their borders."

"When the allied forces closed to within a day of the Temple they first encountered the enemy on the open fields several leagues south of Verbobonc City and northwest of Hommlet called Emridy Meadows. The bulk of the Temple’s human forces, comprised of mostly mounted bandits, brigands and mercenaries had moved to stall Thrommel’s advance. Elven scouts then reported that a much larger than expected army of creatures was approaching from the south. Knowing the Temple might empty its entire horde early, Thrommel went with a contingency plan drawn up in council. In an attempt to draw this Horde of Elemental Evil away from any population centers, he ordered the withdrawal of the entire allied column north, to a strategic position near the east bank of the Velverdyva River. Despite some later historical accounts there was no significant fighting at Emridy Meadows, for the only action that day was light cavalry skirmishes screening the withdrawal to a more favorable battlefield.2 Outnumbering their foes by more than three to one and eager for their first combat victory in the region, the Horde of Elemental Evil predictably pursued Thrommel’s forces north."

Source: canonfire.com - Prelude to the Battle of Emridy Meadows